African National Congress: Economic Transformation (EN)

Overview and Use Case

The ANC policy on economic transformation refers inter alia to opportunities for reigniting economic growth in South Africa; support for land reform and rural development; improving governance and performance of state-owned companies; a national incomes policy to reduce the gap between incomes of executives and workers; public ownership of the South African Reserve Bank; effective measures for economic de-concentration to open markets to new, black-owned companies; transformation of the financial sector; establishment of a Sovereign Wealth Fund; strengthening BBBEE; adopting a revolutionary approach to training and skills development; improving industrial and economic impact of public expenditure; supporting manufacturing, creative industries and tourism; measures to support beneficiation and buoding high value-added value-chains; support for small businesses; expanded participation in the value and supply chain linked to South African Oceans Economiy; increased ownership of the state in mining; restructuring taxation to allow for a structured wealth tax to promote equity.

Country Source
South Africa
African National Congress
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