Challenges with integration of migrants and refugees
From a historical perspective, there are record numbers of displaced people. However, the current asylum system is nowhere near fair or appropriate. Among other things, it helps to support a human smuggling industry that exploits the misfortunes of others and where refugees are facing violence and assault or losing their lives crossing the Mediterranean.
Many of those who have come to Denmark have been successfully integrated. They have learned to speak Danish, they go to work and they are an active part of the local communities and make significant contributions to our society that we cannot do without.
At the same time, there are still challenges associated with making integration work everywhere. Too many immigrants and refugees are not participating in the labour market. In particular, this applies to women who have come to Denmark as adults.
We are also increasingly living separate lives instead of living in integrated communities. It creates distrust when children of different backgrounds do not go to the same schools and when housing sectors with a lot of immigrants are also socially vulnerable areas.
We do not need symbolic politics, we need real solutions that work to solve real life integration issues.
A new Government will pursue a responsible immigration and refugee policy, which will take a more active approach towards promoting integration and the lives of children and their opportunities to take an active part in Danish society.
A new Government will: